
Start of production: P.M.

This week starts the production week of P.M. I will be going into specifics for this project probably in 2 weeks. I'm preparing the layout and scheduling for many of the projects coming together. I currently have been creating outlines for some new works, in progress, with Photoshop. Here’s a quick glimpse:

Rabbit in the field: composition to complete the layout to start working. This is literally 2 pieces layered together before outlines and coloring starts. (Content In progress)

cropped and arranged images to help construct new image. Photoshop helps to see how everything can be arranged before committing to one idea entirely. Progress will be posted in the near future. (Content in progress)

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements starting this week.

New day. New ideas. Going into the new year......

Hello everyone! I recently had a bit of downtime in November due to recent health concerns. During that time I didn’t work on anything but have been assembling some ideas for the near future. A few updates moving forward, the shop will be closed temporarily to focus on working on newer pieces of art. In the next coming month this website will be getting an update along with newer art work. I'm still available for commissions in the states by contacting me at: for any business inquiries.

Paintings are still available for purchase but will be exclusive through Tricera Art International at : Jessica Patterson(The Frequent Artist) Artworks for Sale | TRiCERA ART. This is a site I’ve worked with for many years now to allow for more international sale options.

Prints will be coming back once I open the shop on this site again which will be in the near future.

Until the upcoming changes I will be working on future content so blog posts will be made when updates are actually happening.

Follow me on instagram for more updates at: @thefrequentartist • Instagram photos and videos

See you in 2 weeks……….Stay tuned.

work in progress (untitled)