Another Monday

Normally Sundays are the start of my week but generally I just call those catch up days so I don’t usually post. I’ve been busy at work on my different pieces and one huge project which I’ll mention at a later time. I’m currently working on 2 pieces separately while finishing off one that I started literally a few weeks ago. The focus is around a series I started titled, “Lil Robot (43110)”, along with many designs centered on the world this character will explore. This is a new adventure for me as an artist since I’ve never focused on anything character driven but always been fascinated with worlds other creatives explore with theirs. This is a start but fun and challenging at the same time.

center focused ( extended hands)

The month of August is already here and I’m freaking out because I’m wondering where the year went? While the triple digit summer heat has caused me to focus more on the working towards many goals in the foreseeable future. Above my own frustrations the pacing this year has felt better than last year around this very same time frame. Less painting this year but more illustrations and more saved/named project files waiting to continue to progress. This is the process which I want to record more but often have trouble just turning on my camera but I’m trying to open myself up more to that idea of exploration in the studio space.

In the next coming weeks I will feature what a typical day looks like while trying to keep my time situated. Just a heads up, they don’t always mesh well with me often going to eat a sandwich disgruntled and wondering where the day went off to.